Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A "Boot Scootin" Time"

Once upon a time, a long, so long time ago.
There was an innocent boot.
Unknown to "the boot"
it would become quite the traveler.
Now it has ventured from Colorado
and back to California on many an occasion.
This Christmas is shared in the festivities at Colorado.

 It was a very, merry Christmas.....it was the best time of the year....

Oh, by golly
I had a jolly, jolly time!

And according to my calculations,

"The Boot" is back in California today!

Yes, I'm shakin "my bootie" here in Colorado
and tonight you can shake yours....
doing the "Boot Scootin' Boogie"
Ya'll come back now!!!

A Very Merry Christmas in Colorado

Annalise and Kendall couldn't wait to make their first
Colorado Snowman

The girls loved playing in the snow.
They got to go sledding and ride the snowmachine.
Even had a pretty good snowball fight with grandma.
Kendall has a pretty good arm!

After a very good Christmas Dinner
Annalise and Kendall opened their first gift.
A lump of Colorado Coal from "GrandpaClause"

Then we told them the good news.
Although it was Christmas Eve we were now
going to open all the gifts
as soon as the table was cleared and the food put away.
(That didn't take long)
Think everybody was in the kitchen but me.

Everyone was pleased as they opened their gifts
to find just the thing they had hoped for.

Lisha and I had quite the laugh though,
we got each other the same thing!
We both are anxious to read this series of books.
I knew she had book one so I got her books 2 &3,
asked her to bring me her book 1 so I could read it.
Knew she would loan me back books 2 & 3 when
she was done.
Now we both have all three and waiting for #4
to be released in 2011.

We were truly blessed this Christmas.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Buster Brown

Buster came to us, as many of our dogs have came,
Michael had returned from Arizona and a friend of his
came over with the cutest little dog. 
When she commented she was going to have to
get rid of him due to her new apartment rules I
couldn't imagine her just leaving him at a shelter.....
so began our long journey with "Buster"
often refered to as "Buster Brown".

It didn't take us long to figure out this little dog was
pretty smart and could "out smart" us in a few things.
He knew how to push under the chain link fence and
soon taught our Lab - Kady to do the same.
They would spend endless hours roaming
the neighborhood and on more than one
occasion Buster was picked up by the animal officer.
On the first occasion to "bail" him out,
while I stood at the counter to write the check
he actually peed on my ankle........
He had been boarded in a cement kennel overnight
and was not about to pee in there,
but by now he couldn't hold it anymore
and I was the best thing around to hike his leg on.

Buster had quite a knack for carrying his food dish around.
He would snag up the food bowl, full of food,
and scoot under the fence with it, spilling none.
That would keep it safe from Kady
til he was ready to eat it himself.

Buster went to live with Mischel and her kids
for several years.
He had quite a reputation around her neighborhood too.
It was not uncommon for Mischel to receive calls
from her neighbors "Hey Mischel, I'm missing my cat dish.
Would you see if your dog has carried it home?"
And there tucked in the back of his dog house
would be an assortment of dog and cat dishes
collected thru out the neighborhood.

Eventually Buster came back to be with us.
Once again him and Kady would be kennel buds.
He still would take the food dish,
lay under Pat's truck and just wait with it.
He wasn't ready to eat, but knew if left on the deck,
Kady would devour all of it.

I watched him cross the snowy draw behind our house
one morning, carrying something, yes, sure enough
he was packing home a cat food can from the
neighbor's who were out of town.
As I watched him come around the house,
there in the snow was a nice ceramic dish,
from a previous visit across the way.
The neighbors were out of town and someone
else was feeding for them.
I'm sure she wondered where that dish had gone
and then how it got back there?

Yes, "Buster Brown" you were a "good ole' dog"
Your beagle bark will be missed.
Thank you for some good memories

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


                                                                       Shanna & Kody
Collbran Job Corps Center
Grand Mesa High School
December 2, 2010

Mischel & Kody
A proud mom!

And in a few moments,
you would wow us with your student speech,
bring us to tears with words spoken
honestly and bravely.

And then.......
take a standing ovation for this: 
Shanna, will you marry me?
Classy, real classy.

Oh,,,,my gosh.
(Notice, everyone is standing)

She said yes!

I did good!

Yes, Kody, you did really good!

What a proud day for you, your mom and us!
We knew you had the potential,
now, you know it too!

Graduating with Honors,
Hall of Fame

We love you,
Grandma and Grandpa

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Box

I'm sure my children could never remember a time that "The Box"
wasn't there, on the coffee table or an end table.
And today, still, "The Box" has it's place.

I'm not sure where "The Box" came from. 
 It might have been a gift or just one of those things
that kind of struck my fancy at the time. 
 It came to us in the "70's. 
 I remember there was a choice of this pattern
 or the ever popular " cannibus" design. 
 The simple floral pattern was more "family" friendly.

"The Box" has served us well. 
 The contents of "The Box" are used often
and must promptly be returned when finished with them.
Now, looking at what has made it's way into "The Box"
 it's obvious that a few things get put there,
just cause it's convenient to toss them in and forget them,
until one must clean out "The Box".

The only necessary objects are those needed to trim, file and cut away
 at one's nails and of course, the floss!,
we can't forget the floss.
There's a small spool of thread there now
and of course the replacement hinges
 (they've been in there a while)
 Had full intentions of replacing those.

Look closely here, inside the lid,
it's a little difficult to get a good photo. 
 Written there you will find our names. 
 I think Michael wrote that or was it Mischel.....in ink....
Pat & Patty Mosbey......
"oh man,  you're gonna be in trouble when mom and dad sees that!" 
 I think they too felt "The Box" must be a little sacred
and they had tread on sacred ground. 
 But now, these many years later the inscription is a treasure.

What treasures do you keep,
 always having a "rightful" place no matter where you live?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Old Folks and IPods

Well, here we are......sitting around with "ear buds" stuffed in our ears.........
Pat and  I are totally "into" our IPods.....who would have "thunk" it. 

I took possession of Michaels' IPod shuffle
( after Stayton removed all the "stuff" that was on there.)
I'm quite sure it was nothing I would have been interested in. 
I've learned to download and update the thing quite easily.....
and my listening choice...bible studies and teachings.
 I know, I know, not exactly what you would want on your IPod
 but I thoroughly enjoy it and feel I'm totally "redeeming" my time. 

Stayton gave Pat his old IPod after updating to a newer IPad.
  It was quite a hoot trying to teach Pat how to run the thing,
but he has gotten the hang of it and is totally addicted now himself.

Since we no longer subscribe to Dish TV and only get a few select channels,
which by the way was such a blessing during the recent elections....
NO campaign ADS!!!!
 We have very limited selection and have
decided to spend a lot of time in learning and biblical research this winter.

So you can find us here at home,
tucked away on the hill amongst the cedars,
the wood stove pouring its heat into the house,
Sammy the cat sprawled out soaking up the heat.
 At least two dogs curled up on the recliner with Pat and us
 "Old Folks and our IPods" stuck in our ears.

Then there's Mr Jones' dilema:
Dr says "Mr Jones, no wonder you can't hear, you've got a suppository stuck in your ear"
Mr Jones:  " So.....that's what happened to my hearing aid."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Badger's Bed

This is where Badger likes to hang out when I'm in the office.

Unfortunately there's been some "hijacking"
going on when he's not watching.

 We're sleeping here!

Do you offer "room service?"

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Update on the bloggin' thing here.

I baked a "near perfect" German Pancake again this morning,  This isn't it, but it was almost as perfect.

Started my day at about 5:30 this morning.  Since Buster is now sleeping outside we seem to be getting
more sleep, although Pat told me that he was up at 2:00am with Buster barking outside.  (I slept right
thru that. (smilin here).

Kudos to Stayton!  He starts his IV Class tomorrow.  He had a good lesson with Mischel and they posted it on Facebook, his first IV!  This is a big deal for him....he has really made an effort to overcome his fear of needles.  Mischel, you were very brave!

Annalise celebrated her 11th birthday this past week and a big birthday party this weekend.

My big project for the week was replacing my torn bumper.  I've had to drive my car with a big rip out of my front bumper for two years now.....decided I was gonna keep the car and fix it up.  Bought a good used bumper from ebay.  A friend who does a lot of auto work told me how to paint it and by golly it turned out pretty good.  Pat put it on for me this morning, I washed the car and what a difference. I should have taken a picture for you all.

Guess the Giants and Texans are playing in World Series.......sorry  Ron, I just would like to see Texas win this one. (smilin again)

Kody will be graduating from Job Corps next month.  We are very proud of you Kody!!! And we pray that the right doors will open for you.

Sorry I've been so lame about keeping this blog updated.

Hope you all have a great week!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Old Dogs - We have had our share

This is our Buster.  He has been in our family for well over 15 years. 
 We estimate that he is about 17-18 years old. 
 He is so devoted to Pat.  He has been a "good old dog".

We are perplexed to say the least.
With his old age has come some problems.
Once the best housebroke dog ever,
now he's incontinent and needs forever let out.
He's near deaf, so we have to keep him in the yard.
He likes to sleep under the lilac shrub and once there
you would have to go and shake him to get him up.
Sometimes even in his dog crate, during the middle
of the day when I come home to let them out,
I have to touch him to wake him.

The dilemma here.
We haven't had a good night's sleep for quite awhile.
Buster seems to sleep sound from about
10 pm til early am, then it's up and down.
He barks to go out, we let him out.
He wanders around outside for about an hour.
I go back to bed and figure when he barks to
come back in, either I'll wake up again or Pat will.
This goes on til we finally both are up and start our regular day.

So, today we are working on an insulated heated dog house.
We have an enclosure in the yard to contain him away from 
the back door, lest he continues to bark to get in.

It will be a temporary measure, until outside temperatures
get really down.
But maybe we can get a few good nights sleep.
Neither of us feel it's time to say goodbye to the old dog.
Any in all honesty, I pray this one will die a natural death.

Good ole' Buster Brown!
You've given us some funny stories.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Town Deer

Wish I could have gotten a picture from the front.

But this is a pretty good view.

I've seen him a few times and just happened to have
my camera this time.

Although pretty to look at, the town deer do
pose a danger this time of year and in
the spring when the does have little ones.
They have attacked pets in their own yards.

Fall Colors in Craig

 Some of the colors around town as I travel about from job to job.

We had some really high winds a few days ago.
I was glad to find some leaves still on the trees.

 Ash trees can really light up a street.

After the wind storm we discovered a large branch from
our elm tree laying gently against the side of the house.
Amazing, didn't damage anything, small dent in one
fence panel.

Thank you Stayton for cleaning it up.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Birthday's to Pat and Kody

This is Kody and Shanna at Job Corps.
We spent the day with them on Saturday.
It was Pat's birthday and Kody's will be Tues.,
he turns 21....can't even believe it myself.
Where have the years gone?
I will always remember the first time he smiled at me.
Lisha and I were setting on the edge of the bed,
I was holding him and he smiled, my very first grandma smile.
Took my breath away as tears streamed down my face.
Happy Birthday!!!
We love you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Blog is "Bogged" Down

Yes, Yes, I know......I need to update this blog....
It's not that my life is at a total standstill.........I just haven't felt witty or enlightened enough to write about it.

Well, not really.... I have things to say, but maybe you don't really want to hear.

Summer is fading away here.  The days are gorgeous, temps in the 80's....I love, love, love the Fall.
We have been "putting away" the yard for the winter. Emptying flowerpots, pulling up the sunflowers
that have mostly been eaten now by the birds.  The fish in the pond will go away this week for winter
storage in an aquarium.  I'm even considering it's time to put away the fountain in the den and haul in
some firewood, so when those temperatures do take a dip we will be ready with a nice warm fire. (ugh)

Pat and I tried to go to the mountains to catch the colors, but dang road was so rough, we just decided
we weren't that anxious to venture there...do you have any idea what it's like to drive on "washboards" in
four wheel truck with bad suspension...just ain't up to it anymore.

Thought we might try another outing on the horses this week...we'll see.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Out for a "short" ride.

We were out for a casual ride.
Here's Pat with Amore(head down)
and Ginger.
Unfortunately, just a few minutes after I took this,
Pat took a fall off Amore.
We aren't sure what's up with her,
but will be a few days before we can go out again.
He's ok, bumped and bruised.

I love the view from here.
Look at the black tips on her ears.

Ginger is my Kiger Mustang from Oregon.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Good thought for the day

Whatever you are holding on to in this life,
hold it loosely-
it won't hurt so much
when the Lord has to pry your fingers open
to take it away.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Get Well Soon to Mischel

Just "hang in" there!!!
Better days are comin'

We love you!!!!
Mom and Dad

Monday, August 30, 2010

Memories of Idaho with Desmond

We had such a great visit with Desmond.  He had a peace about him like I've never seen.
I know he is on the path that God has chosen for him.
We never know how God will move in our lives to direct our paths.

Should have had Pat take off his cap, but the glare may have been too much.


Desmond and Mariah 


Friday, August 27, 2010

Time and Chance

The race is not to the swift
Nor the battle to the strong,
Nor bread to the wise,
Nor riches to men of understanding,
Nor favor to men of skill:
But time and chance happen to them all.

Ecclesiates 9:11

This showed up on one of my favorite blogs. Her devotion on it has been stuck in my mind.
How many times in our lives has "Time and Chance" been a factor and we did not even acknowledge that perhaps God had placed us there and then for such a time.

We never know when the God of Time and Chance will say,
"This is YOUR day! This is YOUR time! This is YOUR race!

God will put you in a position to succeed if you just keep preparing yourself.
Give all your best to God and let Him take care of the outcome.
He will put you in the right place at the right time.
He will give you the opportunities you've been waiting for.

Except that we believe in the God of Time and Chance,
who holds victory in His Hands.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wish I had a little more time this morning,
But here's a few pictures of the baptism.

No, this isn't a "cult" thing.
He just decided to try the shaved head.
They do look like a matched set.

I'm still marveling at what the Lord has been doing,
in our lives, in Desmond.

I'm walking in a miracle.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A "Boot Scootin" Time"

Once upon a time, a long, so long time ago.
There was an innocent boot.
Unknown to "the boot"
it would become quite the traveler.
Now it has ventured from Colorado
and back to California on many an occasion.
This Christmas is shared in the festivities at Colorado.

 It was a very, merry Christmas.....it was the best time of the year....

Oh, by golly
I had a jolly, jolly time!

And according to my calculations,

"The Boot" is back in California today!

Yes, I'm shakin "my bootie" here in Colorado
and tonight you can shake yours....
doing the "Boot Scootin' Boogie"
Ya'll come back now!!!

A Very Merry Christmas in Colorado

Annalise and Kendall couldn't wait to make their first
Colorado Snowman

The girls loved playing in the snow.
They got to go sledding and ride the snowmachine.
Even had a pretty good snowball fight with grandma.
Kendall has a pretty good arm!

After a very good Christmas Dinner
Annalise and Kendall opened their first gift.
A lump of Colorado Coal from "GrandpaClause"

Then we told them the good news.
Although it was Christmas Eve we were now
going to open all the gifts
as soon as the table was cleared and the food put away.
(That didn't take long)
Think everybody was in the kitchen but me.

Everyone was pleased as they opened their gifts
to find just the thing they had hoped for.

Lisha and I had quite the laugh though,
we got each other the same thing!
We both are anxious to read this series of books.
I knew she had book one so I got her books 2 &3,
asked her to bring me her book 1 so I could read it.
Knew she would loan me back books 2 & 3 when
she was done.
Now we both have all three and waiting for #4
to be released in 2011.

We were truly blessed this Christmas.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Buster Brown

Buster came to us, as many of our dogs have came,
Michael had returned from Arizona and a friend of his
came over with the cutest little dog. 
When she commented she was going to have to
get rid of him due to her new apartment rules I
couldn't imagine her just leaving him at a shelter.....
so began our long journey with "Buster"
often refered to as "Buster Brown".

It didn't take us long to figure out this little dog was
pretty smart and could "out smart" us in a few things.
He knew how to push under the chain link fence and
soon taught our Lab - Kady to do the same.
They would spend endless hours roaming
the neighborhood and on more than one
occasion Buster was picked up by the animal officer.
On the first occasion to "bail" him out,
while I stood at the counter to write the check
he actually peed on my ankle........
He had been boarded in a cement kennel overnight
and was not about to pee in there,
but by now he couldn't hold it anymore
and I was the best thing around to hike his leg on.

Buster had quite a knack for carrying his food dish around.
He would snag up the food bowl, full of food,
and scoot under the fence with it, spilling none.
That would keep it safe from Kady
til he was ready to eat it himself.

Buster went to live with Mischel and her kids
for several years.
He had quite a reputation around her neighborhood too.
It was not uncommon for Mischel to receive calls
from her neighbors "Hey Mischel, I'm missing my cat dish.
Would you see if your dog has carried it home?"
And there tucked in the back of his dog house
would be an assortment of dog and cat dishes
collected thru out the neighborhood.

Eventually Buster came back to be with us.
Once again him and Kady would be kennel buds.
He still would take the food dish,
lay under Pat's truck and just wait with it.
He wasn't ready to eat, but knew if left on the deck,
Kady would devour all of it.

I watched him cross the snowy draw behind our house
one morning, carrying something, yes, sure enough
he was packing home a cat food can from the
neighbor's who were out of town.
As I watched him come around the house,
there in the snow was a nice ceramic dish,
from a previous visit across the way.
The neighbors were out of town and someone
else was feeding for them.
I'm sure she wondered where that dish had gone
and then how it got back there?

Yes, "Buster Brown" you were a "good ole' dog"
Your beagle bark will be missed.
Thank you for some good memories

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


                                                                       Shanna & Kody
Collbran Job Corps Center
Grand Mesa High School
December 2, 2010

Mischel & Kody
A proud mom!

And in a few moments,
you would wow us with your student speech,
bring us to tears with words spoken
honestly and bravely.

And then.......
take a standing ovation for this: 
Shanna, will you marry me?
Classy, real classy.

Oh,,,,my gosh.
(Notice, everyone is standing)

She said yes!

I did good!

Yes, Kody, you did really good!

What a proud day for you, your mom and us!
We knew you had the potential,
now, you know it too!

Graduating with Honors,
Hall of Fame

We love you,
Grandma and Grandpa

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Box

I'm sure my children could never remember a time that "The Box"
wasn't there, on the coffee table or an end table.
And today, still, "The Box" has it's place.

I'm not sure where "The Box" came from. 
 It might have been a gift or just one of those things
that kind of struck my fancy at the time. 
 It came to us in the "70's. 
 I remember there was a choice of this pattern
 or the ever popular " cannibus" design. 
 The simple floral pattern was more "family" friendly.

"The Box" has served us well. 
 The contents of "The Box" are used often
and must promptly be returned when finished with them.
Now, looking at what has made it's way into "The Box"
 it's obvious that a few things get put there,
just cause it's convenient to toss them in and forget them,
until one must clean out "The Box".

The only necessary objects are those needed to trim, file and cut away
 at one's nails and of course, the floss!,
we can't forget the floss.
There's a small spool of thread there now
and of course the replacement hinges
 (they've been in there a while)
 Had full intentions of replacing those.

Look closely here, inside the lid,
it's a little difficult to get a good photo. 
 Written there you will find our names. 
 I think Michael wrote that or was it Mischel.....in ink....
Pat & Patty Mosbey......
"oh man,  you're gonna be in trouble when mom and dad sees that!" 
 I think they too felt "The Box" must be a little sacred
and they had tread on sacred ground. 
 But now, these many years later the inscription is a treasure.

What treasures do you keep,
 always having a "rightful" place no matter where you live?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Old Folks and IPods

Well, here we are......sitting around with "ear buds" stuffed in our ears.........
Pat and  I are totally "into" our IPods.....who would have "thunk" it. 

I took possession of Michaels' IPod shuffle
( after Stayton removed all the "stuff" that was on there.)
I'm quite sure it was nothing I would have been interested in. 
I've learned to download and update the thing quite easily.....
and my listening choice...bible studies and teachings.
 I know, I know, not exactly what you would want on your IPod
 but I thoroughly enjoy it and feel I'm totally "redeeming" my time. 

Stayton gave Pat his old IPod after updating to a newer IPad.
  It was quite a hoot trying to teach Pat how to run the thing,
but he has gotten the hang of it and is totally addicted now himself.

Since we no longer subscribe to Dish TV and only get a few select channels,
which by the way was such a blessing during the recent elections....
NO campaign ADS!!!!
 We have very limited selection and have
decided to spend a lot of time in learning and biblical research this winter.

So you can find us here at home,
tucked away on the hill amongst the cedars,
the wood stove pouring its heat into the house,
Sammy the cat sprawled out soaking up the heat.
 At least two dogs curled up on the recliner with Pat and us
 "Old Folks and our IPods" stuck in our ears.

Then there's Mr Jones' dilema:
Dr says "Mr Jones, no wonder you can't hear, you've got a suppository stuck in your ear"
Mr Jones:  " So.....that's what happened to my hearing aid."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Badger's Bed

This is where Badger likes to hang out when I'm in the office.

Unfortunately there's been some "hijacking"
going on when he's not watching.

 We're sleeping here!

Do you offer "room service?"

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Update on the bloggin' thing here.

I baked a "near perfect" German Pancake again this morning,  This isn't it, but it was almost as perfect.

Started my day at about 5:30 this morning.  Since Buster is now sleeping outside we seem to be getting
more sleep, although Pat told me that he was up at 2:00am with Buster barking outside.  (I slept right
thru that. (smilin here).

Kudos to Stayton!  He starts his IV Class tomorrow.  He had a good lesson with Mischel and they posted it on Facebook, his first IV!  This is a big deal for him....he has really made an effort to overcome his fear of needles.  Mischel, you were very brave!

Annalise celebrated her 11th birthday this past week and a big birthday party this weekend.

My big project for the week was replacing my torn bumper.  I've had to drive my car with a big rip out of my front bumper for two years now.....decided I was gonna keep the car and fix it up.  Bought a good used bumper from ebay.  A friend who does a lot of auto work told me how to paint it and by golly it turned out pretty good.  Pat put it on for me this morning, I washed the car and what a difference. I should have taken a picture for you all.

Guess the Giants and Texans are playing in World Series.......sorry  Ron, I just would like to see Texas win this one. (smilin again)

Kody will be graduating from Job Corps next month.  We are very proud of you Kody!!! And we pray that the right doors will open for you.

Sorry I've been so lame about keeping this blog updated.

Hope you all have a great week!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Old Dogs - We have had our share

This is our Buster.  He has been in our family for well over 15 years. 
 We estimate that he is about 17-18 years old. 
 He is so devoted to Pat.  He has been a "good old dog".

We are perplexed to say the least.
With his old age has come some problems.
Once the best housebroke dog ever,
now he's incontinent and needs forever let out.
He's near deaf, so we have to keep him in the yard.
He likes to sleep under the lilac shrub and once there
you would have to go and shake him to get him up.
Sometimes even in his dog crate, during the middle
of the day when I come home to let them out,
I have to touch him to wake him.

The dilemma here.
We haven't had a good night's sleep for quite awhile.
Buster seems to sleep sound from about
10 pm til early am, then it's up and down.
He barks to go out, we let him out.
He wanders around outside for about an hour.
I go back to bed and figure when he barks to
come back in, either I'll wake up again or Pat will.
This goes on til we finally both are up and start our regular day.

So, today we are working on an insulated heated dog house.
We have an enclosure in the yard to contain him away from 
the back door, lest he continues to bark to get in.

It will be a temporary measure, until outside temperatures
get really down.
But maybe we can get a few good nights sleep.
Neither of us feel it's time to say goodbye to the old dog.
Any in all honesty, I pray this one will die a natural death.

Good ole' Buster Brown!
You've given us some funny stories.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Town Deer

Wish I could have gotten a picture from the front.

But this is a pretty good view.

I've seen him a few times and just happened to have
my camera this time.

Although pretty to look at, the town deer do
pose a danger this time of year and in
the spring when the does have little ones.
They have attacked pets in their own yards.

Fall Colors in Craig

 Some of the colors around town as I travel about from job to job.

We had some really high winds a few days ago.
I was glad to find some leaves still on the trees.

 Ash trees can really light up a street.

After the wind storm we discovered a large branch from
our elm tree laying gently against the side of the house.
Amazing, didn't damage anything, small dent in one
fence panel.

Thank you Stayton for cleaning it up.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Birthday's to Pat and Kody

This is Kody and Shanna at Job Corps.
We spent the day with them on Saturday.
It was Pat's birthday and Kody's will be Tues.,
he turns 21....can't even believe it myself.
Where have the years gone?
I will always remember the first time he smiled at me.
Lisha and I were setting on the edge of the bed,
I was holding him and he smiled, my very first grandma smile.
Took my breath away as tears streamed down my face.
Happy Birthday!!!
We love you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Blog is "Bogged" Down

Yes, Yes, I know......I need to update this blog....
It's not that my life is at a total standstill.........I just haven't felt witty or enlightened enough to write about it.

Well, not really.... I have things to say, but maybe you don't really want to hear.

Summer is fading away here.  The days are gorgeous, temps in the 80's....I love, love, love the Fall.
We have been "putting away" the yard for the winter. Emptying flowerpots, pulling up the sunflowers
that have mostly been eaten now by the birds.  The fish in the pond will go away this week for winter
storage in an aquarium.  I'm even considering it's time to put away the fountain in the den and haul in
some firewood, so when those temperatures do take a dip we will be ready with a nice warm fire. (ugh)

Pat and I tried to go to the mountains to catch the colors, but dang road was so rough, we just decided
we weren't that anxious to venture there...do you have any idea what it's like to drive on "washboards" in
four wheel truck with bad suspension...just ain't up to it anymore.

Thought we might try another outing on the horses this week...we'll see.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Out for a "short" ride.

We were out for a casual ride.
Here's Pat with Amore(head down)
and Ginger.
Unfortunately, just a few minutes after I took this,
Pat took a fall off Amore.
We aren't sure what's up with her,
but will be a few days before we can go out again.
He's ok, bumped and bruised.

I love the view from here.
Look at the black tips on her ears.

Ginger is my Kiger Mustang from Oregon.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Good thought for the day

Whatever you are holding on to in this life,
hold it loosely-
it won't hurt so much
when the Lord has to pry your fingers open
to take it away.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Get Well Soon to Mischel

Just "hang in" there!!!
Better days are comin'

We love you!!!!
Mom and Dad

Monday, August 30, 2010

Memories of Idaho with Desmond

We had such a great visit with Desmond.  He had a peace about him like I've never seen.
I know he is on the path that God has chosen for him.
We never know how God will move in our lives to direct our paths.

Should have had Pat take off his cap, but the glare may have been too much.


Desmond and Mariah 


Friday, August 27, 2010

Time and Chance

The race is not to the swift
Nor the battle to the strong,
Nor bread to the wise,
Nor riches to men of understanding,
Nor favor to men of skill:
But time and chance happen to them all.

Ecclesiates 9:11

This showed up on one of my favorite blogs. Her devotion on it has been stuck in my mind.
How many times in our lives has "Time and Chance" been a factor and we did not even acknowledge that perhaps God had placed us there and then for such a time.

We never know when the God of Time and Chance will say,
"This is YOUR day! This is YOUR time! This is YOUR race!

God will put you in a position to succeed if you just keep preparing yourself.
Give all your best to God and let Him take care of the outcome.
He will put you in the right place at the right time.
He will give you the opportunities you've been waiting for.

Except that we believe in the God of Time and Chance,
who holds victory in His Hands.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wish I had a little more time this morning,
But here's a few pictures of the baptism.

No, this isn't a "cult" thing.
He just decided to try the shaved head.
They do look like a matched set.

I'm still marveling at what the Lord has been doing,
in our lives, in Desmond.

I'm walking in a miracle.