I'm sure my children could never remember a time that "The Box"
wasn't there, on the coffee table or an end table.
And today, still, "The Box" has it's place.
I'm not sure where "The Box" came from.
It might have been a gift or just one of those things
that kind of struck my fancy at the time.
that kind of struck my fancy at the time.
It came to us in the "70's.
I remember there was a choice of this pattern
or the ever popular " cannibus" design.
or the ever popular " cannibus" design.
The simple floral pattern was more "family" friendly.
"The Box" has served us well.
The contents of "The Box" are used often
and must promptly be returned when finished with them.
Now, looking at what has made it's way into "The Box"
it's obvious that a few things get put there,
just cause it's convenient to toss them in and forget them,
until one must clean out "The Box".
The only necessary objects are those needed to trim, file and cut away
at one's nails and of course, the floss!,
we can't forget the floss.
There's a small spool of thread there now
and of course the replacement hinges
and of course the replacement hinges
(they've been in there a while)
Had full intentions of replacing those.
Look closely here, inside the lid,
it's a little difficult to get a good photo.
it's a little difficult to get a good photo.
Written there you will find our names.
I think Michael wrote that or was it Mischel.....in ink....
Pat & Patty Mosbey......
Pat & Patty Mosbey......
"oh man, you're gonna be in trouble when mom and dad sees that!"
I think they too felt "The Box" must be a little sacred
and they had tread on sacred ground.
But now, these many years later the inscription is a treasure.
What treasures do you keep,
always having a "rightful" place no matter where you live?
always having a "rightful" place no matter where you live?