This has been a week of "pictures" for me.
My sister handed me a bag of pictures, left over from my uncles collection, which would also include some of my grandmother's collection as well. It is like a walk down memory lane.
There are many pictures there of my children, from birth through high school.
A newspaper clipping of Mischel's 1988 Miss American Coed Pageant.
Lisha's graduation, Mischel's graduation, Michael and Dad fishing on the Yampa
River with Stayton. That's a memory in itself.
Michael had taken his granddad to fish for pike on the Yampa. They had a successful day. My dad was quite insulted that Michael would even suggest they would release a fish that had been caught. "Well, I never in my life threw back a fish I caught.!" And Dad didn't throw back the pike they snagged that day. Michael filleted them, Dad packaged and froze them and packed them in ice to go back to New Mexico with him.
Daddy & Michael
Taken at the Truck Stop Cafe
April 1999
It was a good find, looking thru that collection. I found dates for other photos that I had failed to write on. School pictures, events and family history....documented there in a bag of old pictures.
Many of the old black and white photos had the year stamped on the white border of the photo, thus giving my more data to record and remember.
This is an old black and white with no dates. That's my Dad there with a deer he shot.
Maybe I could find someone who could date that vehicle? I don't know who the girl in the photo is.
This is me at 14 months.
My baby brother Jimmy. Age not recorded.
My dad and his last sweetheart, Norma. They loved to go dancing. Stayton and I went with them on my last visit to see my dad. We tried the two-step and almost got stepped on in the process.
Stayton was such a good sport and danced with the old ladies and had a blast.
It made for a good memory.
Shoebox pictures. Someday my kids will go thru mine. I'm on a mission to get them labeled and dated and maybe a few in an album or two.