Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shakin' My Bootie

"Boots Off" to Lisha!

It was so funny, just wish you could have been there.
I found it in a hamper,
what's this?
Oh my.....it's the boot!!!
Cracked up and the poor old man
didn't have any idea of what it was
or why I was laughing....

Didn't take me long to figure out who you
roped into helping you,
but don't know yet how you
made contact with her.

Now.....the game is "ON"
and mother marlow is on the move.

Thanks for so much fun!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A few years gone by

This would be my earliest baby picture.
I was born in New Mexico where I'm sure
there were no large trees like this.
I believe my family had moved to
California or gone there for a visit.

Yep, this is my birthday week!
My last year in the 50's (ugh)
I try to realize how this could be,
but as time marches on,
so do we.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shoebox pictures

This has been a week of "pictures" for me.

My sister handed me a bag of pictures, left over from my uncles collection, which would also include some of my grandmother's collection as well.  It is like a walk down memory lane.

There are many pictures there of my children, from birth through high school.
A newspaper clipping of Mischel's 1988 Miss American Coed Pageant.
Lisha's graduation, Mischel's graduation, Michael and Dad fishing on the Yampa
River with Stayton.  That's a memory in itself. 

Michael had taken his granddad to fish for pike on the Yampa.  They had a successful day.  My dad was quite insulted that Michael would even suggest they would release a fish that had been caught. "Well, I never in my life threw back a fish I caught.!" And Dad didn't throw back the pike they snagged that day.  Michael filleted them, Dad packaged and froze them and packed them in ice to go back to New Mexico with him.

Daddy & Michael
Taken at the Truck Stop Cafe
April 1999
It was a good find, looking thru that collection.  I found dates for other photos that I had failed to write on.  School pictures, events and family history....documented there in a bag of old pictures.

Many of the old black and white photos had the year stamped on the white border of the photo, thus giving my more data to record and remember.

This is an old black and white with no dates.  That's my Dad there with a deer he shot.
Maybe I could find someone who could date that vehicle?  I don't know who the girl in the photo is.

                                            This is me at 14 months.
                                   My baby brother Jimmy.  Age not recorded.
                                 My dad and his last sweetheart, Norma. They loved to go dancing.  Stayton and I went with them on my last visit to see my dad.  We tried the two-step and almost got stepped on in the process.
Stayton was such a good sport and danced with the old ladies and had a blast.
It made for a good memory.

Shoebox pictures.  Someday my kids will go thru mine.  I'm on a mission to get them labeled and dated and maybe a few in an album or two.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Faith, Hope & Love

I've heard it said that right after Christmas is a time many will choose to make some changes in their decor.  Maybe it's the removing of all the Christmas clutter or just the reality it's time for a change, but I find myself in that mode this year. 
I had added a few things just before our company arrived. Hung the plaques that had set for months in the bathroom.  Pat put down some molding to cover the cracks where the flooring from one room to the next didn't match. Cleaned off the dining room table so I could put the pretty tablecloths on.

I picked these plaques up at Walmart.  Took down some fishing pictures in my office and added Faith, Hope & Love.  Everytime I walk down the hall I see them there.  A reminder of God's faithfulness thru the years. 

A few days ago I went to the Dollar Store to browse, sometimes find some little inspiring picture there.  I happened upon the long picture frames and my inspiration was off and running.  Two frames, 10 pictures and I had need to frame the grandkids and put them in one general location.  Desmond is a "grandkid" by absorbtion and a "son" by adoption and this past year became my little "brother in Christ".  This wall grouping allowed exact space for all 11 of them and just where I can see them and pray for each of them on a regular basis.

Which brings me a very special memory.  My grandma Ledford, my mother's mother.
She was a short little woman, about 4'9" I think.  She seemed much older than my dad's mother and totally different temperment.  Can't say I ever remember her scolding or harsh, just "grandma". 

                                                    Grandma Ledford
It would be years after her death that I would come to know that she was a praying grandma.  I'm sure in watching the lives us children would be drug thru she spent a lot of hours praying for us.  By the grace of God and grandma's prayer we made it thru childhood and I believe I am where I am today because of her prayers.

I heard a story recently of a young man who had heard that everyone had someone who at sometime had prayed for them.   Well, he thought, I don't have anyone in my family who would pray so I don't know if that is true.  Shortly afterwards he met a young Christian woman, fell in love and thru her found a relationship with the Lord. He shared with her the idea that surely no one had ever prayed for him as he was growing up.
Well she said, "I have prayed for years for the man that God would lead me to to marry"   Interesting.....she had prayed for him even before she knew him.

So today.....I share my wall of "Faith, Hope and Love" and my grandchildren.
Know that this "Grandma" intends to continue to pray for each of you as your "Great Grandma" did for me.

And for some of you......I can "reach out and touch you" wherever you are.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter in the Rockies

 Sometimes even the locals have to get down and "get er done".
Last week's snow storm left us enough white stuff to last till late spring.

Before Pat could even start plowing open our driveway he had to chain up.

I cancelled my first client as my little car was buried in the snow.

 How's this for a bird feeder "snowcone'?

We try to keep all the feeder full.
This one will hold about a gallon of feed.
The pinion jays and blackbirds can empty it in short time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shakin' My Bootie

"Boots Off" to Lisha!

It was so funny, just wish you could have been there.
I found it in a hamper,
what's this?
Oh my.....it's the boot!!!
Cracked up and the poor old man
didn't have any idea of what it was
or why I was laughing....

Didn't take me long to figure out who you
roped into helping you,
but don't know yet how you
made contact with her.

Now.....the game is "ON"
and mother marlow is on the move.

Thanks for so much fun!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A few years gone by

This would be my earliest baby picture.
I was born in New Mexico where I'm sure
there were no large trees like this.
I believe my family had moved to
California or gone there for a visit.

Yep, this is my birthday week!
My last year in the 50's (ugh)
I try to realize how this could be,
but as time marches on,
so do we.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shoebox pictures

This has been a week of "pictures" for me.

My sister handed me a bag of pictures, left over from my uncles collection, which would also include some of my grandmother's collection as well.  It is like a walk down memory lane.

There are many pictures there of my children, from birth through high school.
A newspaper clipping of Mischel's 1988 Miss American Coed Pageant.
Lisha's graduation, Mischel's graduation, Michael and Dad fishing on the Yampa
River with Stayton.  That's a memory in itself. 

Michael had taken his granddad to fish for pike on the Yampa.  They had a successful day.  My dad was quite insulted that Michael would even suggest they would release a fish that had been caught. "Well, I never in my life threw back a fish I caught.!" And Dad didn't throw back the pike they snagged that day.  Michael filleted them, Dad packaged and froze them and packed them in ice to go back to New Mexico with him.

Daddy & Michael
Taken at the Truck Stop Cafe
April 1999
It was a good find, looking thru that collection.  I found dates for other photos that I had failed to write on.  School pictures, events and family history....documented there in a bag of old pictures.

Many of the old black and white photos had the year stamped on the white border of the photo, thus giving my more data to record and remember.

This is an old black and white with no dates.  That's my Dad there with a deer he shot.
Maybe I could find someone who could date that vehicle?  I don't know who the girl in the photo is.

                                            This is me at 14 months.
                                   My baby brother Jimmy.  Age not recorded.
                                 My dad and his last sweetheart, Norma. They loved to go dancing.  Stayton and I went with them on my last visit to see my dad.  We tried the two-step and almost got stepped on in the process.
Stayton was such a good sport and danced with the old ladies and had a blast.
It made for a good memory.

Shoebox pictures.  Someday my kids will go thru mine.  I'm on a mission to get them labeled and dated and maybe a few in an album or two.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Faith, Hope & Love

I've heard it said that right after Christmas is a time many will choose to make some changes in their decor.  Maybe it's the removing of all the Christmas clutter or just the reality it's time for a change, but I find myself in that mode this year. 
I had added a few things just before our company arrived. Hung the plaques that had set for months in the bathroom.  Pat put down some molding to cover the cracks where the flooring from one room to the next didn't match. Cleaned off the dining room table so I could put the pretty tablecloths on.

I picked these plaques up at Walmart.  Took down some fishing pictures in my office and added Faith, Hope & Love.  Everytime I walk down the hall I see them there.  A reminder of God's faithfulness thru the years. 

A few days ago I went to the Dollar Store to browse, sometimes find some little inspiring picture there.  I happened upon the long picture frames and my inspiration was off and running.  Two frames, 10 pictures and I had need to frame the grandkids and put them in one general location.  Desmond is a "grandkid" by absorbtion and a "son" by adoption and this past year became my little "brother in Christ".  This wall grouping allowed exact space for all 11 of them and just where I can see them and pray for each of them on a regular basis.

Which brings me a very special memory.  My grandma Ledford, my mother's mother.
She was a short little woman, about 4'9" I think.  She seemed much older than my dad's mother and totally different temperment.  Can't say I ever remember her scolding or harsh, just "grandma". 

                                                    Grandma Ledford
It would be years after her death that I would come to know that she was a praying grandma.  I'm sure in watching the lives us children would be drug thru she spent a lot of hours praying for us.  By the grace of God and grandma's prayer we made it thru childhood and I believe I am where I am today because of her prayers.

I heard a story recently of a young man who had heard that everyone had someone who at sometime had prayed for them.   Well, he thought, I don't have anyone in my family who would pray so I don't know if that is true.  Shortly afterwards he met a young Christian woman, fell in love and thru her found a relationship with the Lord. He shared with her the idea that surely no one had ever prayed for him as he was growing up.
Well she said, "I have prayed for years for the man that God would lead me to to marry"   Interesting.....she had prayed for him even before she knew him.

So today.....I share my wall of "Faith, Hope and Love" and my grandchildren.
Know that this "Grandma" intends to continue to pray for each of you as your "Great Grandma" did for me.

And for some of you......I can "reach out and touch you" wherever you are.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter in the Rockies

 Sometimes even the locals have to get down and "get er done".
Last week's snow storm left us enough white stuff to last till late spring.

Before Pat could even start plowing open our driveway he had to chain up.

I cancelled my first client as my little car was buried in the snow.

 How's this for a bird feeder "snowcone'?

We try to keep all the feeder full.
This one will hold about a gallon of feed.
The pinion jays and blackbirds can empty it in short time.