Thursday, September 3, 2009
Written Instructions

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Written Instructions

- Lisha said...
It was fun to read this. I could see Michael standing there with his list of instructions. His personality always shined through.
September 3, 2009 at 6:27 PM
- Patty said...
How funny. I guess we humans think of our pets as family. We know what they like and don't like. We use to dog sit for our one daughter's dog, Mack. He was part Whippet which meant he always looked hungry to me. LOL The last time we dog sit, daughter said, now don't give him so many snacks, he's getting fat and he's not suppose to be fat. He started having problems with his sinuses, apparently they get tumors which usually turn to cancer and most vets don't even try to remove them. If and when they start having seizures, and they are bad, then they have them put to sleep. Mack was a good boy, he was older when they got him. People they knew had to move and they couldn't take the dog, so they were going to take him to the dog pound and they knew he would probably end up being put to sleep. So daughter and her partner took him in. He loved to wear kerchiefs around his neck. And he loved coming here, because he didn't have to be on a leash, we could open the door and he could run and he loved that, jumping over the flower beds and etc. But last winter he finally had a really bad seizure and they took him to the vet, but rather then bury him, they had him cremated and put into a small box, with his name engraved on a brass plate. He sits on the mantle of their fireplace. We have five dogs buried in our big back yard. The oldest one was going on 23. We never dreamed she would live that long, she was a mixed breed and as a pup loved to be held close to your neck so she could cuddle into the neck. So of course not being very original, we named her Cuddles.Four of them we finally had to have put to sleep, only one died of a heart problem. That's hard taking them to the vet, knowing they are going to be put down.
Thanks for coming by my blog. I appreciate it very much. That story I posted about the dog and his new owner, I don't know if it's a true story or not, but it could very well be one. I know it made me cry when I read it.
Happy week-end, hope you have a great time. -
September 4, 2009 at 12:48 PM
It was fun to read this. I could see Michael standing there with his list of instructions. His personality always shined through.
How funny. I guess we humans think of our pets as family. We know what they like and don't like. We use to dog sit for our one daughter's dog, Mack. He was part Whippet which meant he always looked hungry to me. LOL The last time we dog sit, daughter said, now don't give him so many snacks, he's getting fat and he's not suppose to be fat. He started having problems with his sinuses, apparently they get tumors which usually turn to cancer and most vets don't even try to remove them. If and when they start having seizures, and they are bad, then they have them put to sleep. Mack was a good boy, he was older when they got him. People they knew had to move and they couldn't take the dog, so they were going to take him to the dog pound and they knew he would probably end up being put to sleep. So daughter and her partner took him in. He loved to wear kerchiefs around his neck. And he loved coming here, because he didn't have to be on a leash, we could open the door and he could run and he loved that, jumping over the flower beds and etc. But last winter he finally had a really bad seizure and they took him to the vet, but rather then bury him, they had him cremated and put into a small box, with his name engraved on a brass plate. He sits on the mantle of their fireplace. We have five dogs buried in our big back yard. The oldest one was going on 23. We never dreamed she would live that long, she was a mixed breed and as a pup loved to be held close to your neck so she could cuddle into the neck. So of course not being very original, we named her Cuddles.Four of them we finally had to have put to sleep, only one died of a heart problem. That's hard taking them to the vet, knowing they are going to be put down.
Thanks for coming by my blog. I appreciate it very much. That story I posted about the dog and his new owner, I don't know if it's a true story or not, but it could very well be one. I know it made me cry when I read it.
Happy week-end, hope you have a great time.
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