Swoosh--------That's been my weekend. My part time job at the cabins was pretty busy this weekend. We had several checkouts with new checkins arriving this week......so had to get them cleaned and back in order. Pat came and helped me today with the biggest one, a 3 bedroom unit. We do pretty good as a team on this, he does the vacuuming, dusting and anything that requires windex......that really helps. It takes about 45 minutes just to vacuum this unit. But since I worked all three days of what would have been my weekend, I'm pretty "swooshed out". Also got a 35 ft. camper that I need to finish for my friend........her husband bought 5 of these "jewels" for rentals on oilrig sites......well, the oilfield business is pretty slow and the campers are sitting empty, so she's hoping to get them cleaned up and sold. They originally cost $35 grand, they are offering them at a great reduced price if any of you need a "super" camper.
I'll be busy like this for another week or so, and then it will all slow down.
Mischel and her kids may be coming over for Thanksgiving......that would be so fun. I'll probably have use of the large house for them and dinner there too. Lots of room for everyone. I do enjoy cooking "with a purpose"....lots of people, etc.
I started my day, early this morning, preparing "Chicken Cordon Bleu'" for 3 familys in the church. One couple, new baby this week, one couple - new baby soon, mom is suppose to be "off her feet" for the next couple weeks and yes, Pat got to enjoy some too! It was a "double whammy". But I timed it perfect for both couples.
We are currently attending a Mennonite Church here in Craig.....new experience for us. We have attended and been involved in several different "churches" in our 40+ years together. This particular group is very conservative, ladies still wear the head coverings (I don't and they don't expect me too :-). Women sit on one side of the church ( and keep silent in church) and men on the other side. And for those who know me.......can you believe I could keep silent anywhere? But, we are really enjoying the people and the experience. I visited with one of the ladies for a couple hours last week and find she is as interested in me as I am with her. It's been good!
Hope this is a good week for ya'll too!