We had a fantastic trip to Sandwash Basin in Northwest Colorado. It is home to one of the Wild Horse Management areas in Colorado. It holds tremendous memories for us. Stayton has been going there since before he was born....literally. His mother's family has spent decades going to Sandwash. Before the days of the BLM management, his greatgrandfather and uncles spent many a day chasing down and capturing wild horses.
Now that the BLM is in charge, you can go every four years and watch the roundup and adopt yourself a horse or two. We were introduced to this event shortly after the death of Stayton's mother and grandmother, who herself was very passionate about the wild horses. I'm sorry I didn't get a picture of the memorial plaque attached to the BLM corrals there at Sandwash in memory of Tracy.
These trips bring back the fondest of memories. We have attempted to do at least one each year since 2000. It was a beautiful day and very successful as we seen over 80 horses today.
Palomino mares - notice grey horse just to right, he's the stallion
and telling them to "move on".
This group of mares belong to the palomino stallion.
This handsome little colt here in front is this year's baby.
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