Sunday, October 24, 2010
Old Dogs - We have had our share
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Old Dogs - We have had our share
1 comment:
- Patty said...
WE had one dog, we called Cuddles, she looked like a mixture of lab and not sure what else. We had her 22 years. She had gone deaf, we would have to shake her to wake her, sometimes her breathing was so shallow we thought perhaps she had died in her sleep and most of her teeth were gone. Then she started running into things and falling down when she would go outside to use the bathroom. We decided it was time to have her put to sleep. It was certainly a very sad day. But we knew she couldn't keep going living like that. Sometimes putting them to sleep is the best decision for them. We now have five dogs buried in our backyard along with our one daughters cat and a misc. selection of birds, mice, hamster, gerbils, one guinea pig and some fish we didn't want to flush down the toilet.
October 31, 2010 at 1:17 PM
1 comment:
WE had one dog, we called Cuddles, she looked like a mixture of lab and not sure what else. We had her 22 years. She had gone deaf, we would have to shake her to wake her, sometimes her breathing was so shallow we thought perhaps she had died in her sleep and most of her teeth were gone. Then she started running into things and falling down when she would go outside to use the bathroom. We decided it was time to have her put to sleep. It was certainly a very sad day. But we knew she couldn't keep going living like that. Sometimes putting them to sleep is the best decision for them. We now have five dogs buried in our backyard along with our one daughters cat and a misc. selection of birds, mice, hamster, gerbils, one guinea pig and some fish we didn't want to flush down the toilet.
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