Saturday, August 20, 2011
"Little Bit of Fudge"
Saturday, August 20, 2011
"Little Bit of Fudge"
1 comment:
- Patty said...
That looks yummy. The girls and I have chocolate fits now and again. In fact the one daughter coming for supper tonight, after the Granddaughter's science fair project, is bringing along a chocolate snack cake she makes from scratch. I'm ordering pizza to pick up after the thing is over, which means supper will be about 6:15 tonight.
Thanks for your visits, don't know where the time seems to go. By the time I get up around 5:30 to 6, fold up my sheets, I sleep in the recliner, make up Abe's bed, get myself dressed and ready to take Granddaughter to school by 7:30, come home fix a bite of breakfast for Abe and myself, Granddaughter eats before she goes to school, do up the few dishes, then start laundry, run sweeper, fold clean clothes, change bed sheets, sweep out the garage, mow the grass, get the trash all gather up for trash day on Thursday's, do my grocery shopping on Thursday mornings, of course I don't do all of this everyday, fix lunch, do up dishes again, I hate seeing dirty dishes sitting around and I don't have a dishwasher, doctor appointments, running errands to pick up prescriptions, it's time to go back and pick up Granddaughter at 2, you have to be there half an hour early to find a place to park, then I read, work a seek and find puzzle, or take a little nap until she gets out at around 2:25, then back home, think about what I'll be starting for supper, then do up dishes from supper, it's almost bed time. I don't know why it just seems I don't have as much time as I use to have to be on the computer and I miss that. I do play around with the iPad in the evenings while watching TV with daughter and Granddaughter. Abe watches TV in the other room. Abe go the iPad but he doesn't like it that well, isn't what he thought it would be, and he's too stubborn to play around with it and see how it works. Hope you've been well. High it got up to today was 43, I think this is probably the coldest day we've had so far this Fall. Take care. Love, Patty -
November 10, 2011 at 1:18 PM
1 comment:
That looks yummy. The girls and I have chocolate fits now and again. In fact the one daughter coming for supper tonight, after the Granddaughter's science fair project, is bringing along a chocolate snack cake she makes from scratch. I'm ordering pizza to pick up after the thing is over, which means supper will be about 6:15 tonight.
Thanks for your visits, don't know where the time seems to go. By the time I get up around 5:30 to 6, fold up my sheets, I sleep in the recliner, make up Abe's bed, get myself dressed and ready to take Granddaughter to school by 7:30, come home fix a bite of breakfast for Abe and myself, Granddaughter eats before she goes to school, do up the few dishes, then start laundry, run sweeper, fold clean clothes, change bed sheets, sweep out the garage, mow the grass, get the trash all gather up for trash day on Thursday's, do my grocery shopping on Thursday mornings, of course I don't do all of this everyday, fix lunch, do up dishes again, I hate seeing dirty dishes sitting around and I don't have a dishwasher, doctor appointments, running errands to pick up prescriptions, it's time to go back and pick up Granddaughter at 2, you have to be there half an hour early to find a place to park, then I read, work a seek and find puzzle, or take a little nap until she gets out at around 2:25, then back home, think about what I'll be starting for supper, then do up dishes from supper, it's almost bed time. I don't know why it just seems I don't have as much time as I use to have to be on the computer and I miss that. I do play around with the iPad in the evenings while watching TV with daughter and Granddaughter. Abe watches TV in the other room. Abe go the iPad but he doesn't like it that well, isn't what he thought it would be, and he's too stubborn to play around with it and see how it works. Hope you've been well. High it got up to today was 43, I think this is probably the coldest day we've had so far this Fall. Take care. Love, Patty
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