I'm stuck. No matter who cuts my hair, who styles my hair, it always reverts to the eighth grade... I realized this while browsing an old photo album, there it was, the same style I see in the mirror today. Are we just destined to have a certain "hair growth pattern' and it keeps returning to that?
Now, I've had a few nice styles thru the years, but it required constant attention, frequent trips to the salon and in no time, the eighth grade showed up, again.
I decided to try a different stylist, thinking that she would look at my hair in a new light and could create the perfect "do". Made the appointment with what sounded like a ten year old on the phone, didn't really answer many questions, cost being of importance. Explained that I wanted a cut and some highlights done, well the cost would be determined by what she did. Didn't think I was getting much more information from the kid, so just booked the appointment and waited anxiously for the day.
I arrived a few minutes early to thumb thru the magazines, like we all do, hoping the find "the look" that would be life changing. The stylist was sitting at the counter, visiting with an employee and didn't even acknowledge I had come in, that put me off a bit. But, I was there and sure I would come out with a change.
Sure enough, about 15 minutes after my arrival she spoke and motioned me to the chair. OMG, there I sat in full length mirror and bad lighting,,,,,,I doubted that she would be able to create much out of this......suggested to her afterwards, cut the mirror off, a woman who needs a lift sure doesn't want to look at the "roll" around the middle" while she awaits what she hopes to be a "renewed" her. The hair we can cut, the roll is gonna take a while.
So, she began to part, pat and dab on some highlights, carefully wrapping each in a tinfoil package. Most of the time she was carrying on a conversation with anyone in the salon but me.
I began to feel like one of those "dummies" they use to learn on, just prop my head up here and go to work. Eventually the "highlights" were in and just out the blue, "Let's add some color here, you're kind of washed out and this would really add some shine." Well, ok, I'm thinking that will add some to the cost, but oh well, I'm here now. She disappeared into the backroom and there I sat.........sure she had forgotten me as I hear her chattering away with someone in the abyss.
I've been in the chair for about an hour at this time. She finally emerges with a bowl of color, and another customer comes in for what should have been his appointment time. Oh, she didn't know he was coming, hadn't her "kid" told her he would be in this morning for a haircut. Well, he decided he would come back in about an hour. Finally, she headed back to me and proceeded to put the color in, all the while chattering away to others around me, did I not exist here?
About three fourths of the head, she ran out of color, excused herself to the abyss and there I sat, watching the clock move slowing around the dial, thinking, doesn't she know how uneven this color is going to be? Several minutes later she emerges and proceeds to finish the coloring.
The haircut customer comes back, she's still applying color and puts him off again.
I've been in the chair for over and hour now. I'm trying not to really show my frustration, I know him and don't want to make a scene. She explains she just need a few minutes and can get him in. Finally, the color is on, so she moves me out of the chair and whips his haircut out.
She checks the highlights, removes the foil and to the sink for a rinse, we're nearing two hours and she hasn't even began to "cut" , I'm seeing dollar signs ringing up but how do you say "whoa" in a horse race. I realize I'm in for the long haul..
She finally gets the rest of the color worked thru to take the edge off the highlights, meanwhile working in another haircut appointment, this one was on the books. And now, my turn for a new cut!!! Meticulously working each layer, each side, slowing shaping my hair into a new me!
Yes, I loved it, the highlights, the color and most of all the cut!!! Marvelous darling!!!
Check out time at the register.........thank God I had the counter to brace myself when she gave me the total, didn't let my mouth gape, remained calm. I had came in with $100 and left with a great "do", Two and a half hours!!! That was almost as painful as the money.
Well, my money and time paid off in big dividends. Knowing that I really was "lookin good" I had to go somewhere to be seen, so I headed to the Walmart! And sure enough, someone from my past, knew her years ago, passed me in the store, I politely said hi, and walked on. Remembering I needed something from the meat dept I did a u-turn and there she was coming back to speak to me, "Patti? I didn't recognize you, you look good, it's your hair, really looks good." Well, right there in Walmart I gave her a big hug, I really needed that!!! THAT was worth the $100.
That was several months ago, two haircuts, the second one was a disaster. I arrived for my appointment, carefully scheduled and reaffirmed, just days before graduation and lots of company.....there was my stylist holding her neck headed to the physical therapist across street. I stepped into the salon somehow knowing this wasn't going to be good. Two and a half hours later, barely in time to get out the door and to the airport, another $100.
And now, three months later, there in the mirror, my eighth grade hairdo.