I thought of a conversation between our grandson Stayton and his grandpa Pat. Stayton was about four years old, sitting on grandpa's lap. His grandma Decker had recently passed away. They were discussing life and death. Grandpa was trying to reassure that all would be well and he would probably see her again someday in heaven. " Someday," Pat said, "I'll go away too, but I'll be waiting for you in heaven." Stayton thought about this, kind of cocked his head to one side, furrowed his brow and asked "But how will I find you?"
Grandpa said, "I'll be there, waiting for you."
"But," said Stayton, somewhat concerned, throwing his hands out. "What if you're out "flying around" somewhere?'"
How precious, like they say, out of the mouth of babes.
This is so cute, I just love what children come up with.
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